the founder of Cydia has recently took to Reddit to share all of the tweaks he has installed on his Jailbroken iPhone Running IOS 6 YES you read it well .
Saurik has not updated his iPhone to iOS 7 yet and the reason is primarily to do with the changes Apple made to Safari.

Here is the Complete List : 
  1. Cydget(PhotoExample, CyDialer)
  2. Cyntact
  3. Cyueue
  4. Veency
  5. FiveIconDock
  6. WinterBoard(None)
  7. RingerXVIP
  8. VoicemailForwarder
  9. SafariDownloadManager
  10. Barrel(Roll-Away)
  11. Activator(VolumeHUDTap=iWhiteboard
  12. VolumeBothUp/Down=SpringFlash
  13. StatusSwipe=SBSettings(SeriousSBSettingsHD))
  14. Bars
  15. CallBar
  16. DietBar
  17. DietBulletin
  18. f.lux
  19. FlashyStatus
  20. FolderCloser
  21. GlyphPatch
  22. Graviboard
  23. HarlemShake
  24. LowPowerBanner
  25. MarkThatMessage
  26. NoCoverFlow
  27. NoNewsIsGoodNews
  28. OpenNotifier(Messages)
  29. PasswordPilotPro
  30. SleeptoLock
  31. SwitcherMod
  32. Tab+
  33. TetherStatus
  34. TypeStatus
  35. TypingPrivacy
  36. YourTube
  37. 3GUnrestrictor.

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