
If you are a fan of Emoji icons You will love hearing this news, it is now available for download on Cydia. The tweak is basically allowing you to get these beautiful tiny Symbols on your IOS device Keyboard

There are no settings for the tweak, once installed turn your Keyboard to numbers and Press and Hold any number from 0 to 9 to show up Symbols and Icons , a new feature that I have discovered is the existing of Shortcut words on number 9

Allow me to show you Emoji Symbols :

* Press and Hold

* Press and Hold 2

* Press and Hold 3

* Press and Hold 4

* Press and Hold 5

* Press and Hold 6

*Press and Hold 7

* Press and Hold 8

* Press and Hold 9
As you can see by tapping and Holding number 9 you will get this

* Press and Hold 0

The Tweak is Called Vmoji 7, available on Cydia and the great news is the support of 64 bits for both iPone and iPad.

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