Apple will develop software equipment for "smart" houses. It is quite predictable, because products bearing the "Apple" logo has swept all aspects of life.

According to rumors, Apple has hired a team of specialists working to develop materials for Home Systems, which will be integrated into the existing range of devices on the Apple market. Sources say that in the process of working on products for the "Smarthome. Cupertino-based company has already passed the stage of research. The company has emphasized that these gadgets will have an important and profitable part in the market.

Presumably, Apple will not develop products that can compete directly with Google Nest devices. Cupertino-based company intends to create products within the scope of use is wider than thermostats and smoke detectors. Most likely Apple will deepen the scope of speakers or control panels for "smart" houses.

Step in this direction has already been taken - Apple has acquired Beats Electronics. The possibility of new field direction were presented at the Apple WWDC 2014 for a "smart" house called HomeKit. Innovation will enables iPhone and iPad owners to control lighting, house locks and garage doors. The upcoming System will be managed via applications and Siri voice assistant . Now, according to rumors, the company is working hard to create equipment that operates on the basis of HomeKit.

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