An upcoming competitor to the beats by dre headphones, and probably a good example of a wireless headset development, which is now not a surprise. Microphone and headphone integrated control is not new. Recognizing these limitations, SoundSight manufacturers decided not to be penny wise and equip their aircraft with the latest technology, they are crammed with everything possible to improve the size, additional devices and features.

First, the new SoundSight headphones are wireless. In addition, the accessory is equipped with two 5-megapixel cameras capable of recording high definition video. Developers put together six microphones that obviously made a device to improve the quality of the recording. These innovations are not limited - headset can be controlled by voice mode, and they added an accelerometer. SoundSight is compatible with iOS and Android devices.

A special novelty was a written mobile application, with which digital content obtained through additional functions. SoundSight, will be processed immediately and placed in the net. The program can also add an audio track of the clip and organize content using various effects and filters.

SoundSight battery has a capacity of 800 mAh, and despite the large number of functional components of autonomous operation in active mode lasts up to 4 hours, while the function of active noise cancellation - up to 18 hours. 

The image is transferred from the camera to your smartphone via Bluetooth. Video recording format occurs in Full HD at 30 frames per second, as well as HD video at 60 frames per second. Live video broadcast from cameras on smartphones occurs 640 pixels at 24 frames per second. regardless of the storage capacity of your phone depends on the length of the recorded video. Themselves earphones comes with built-in 16 GB memory, can record video with a maximum duration of 30 minutes.

Currently the headphones are only available for pre-commandeet and it cost 350 $SoundSight Mass Production planned for next year and the cost of the device will be $ 500.

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