There is a reason why some people are obsessed with the jailbreak , as a matter effect ,I'm one of them. And one of the reason is to enjoy customizing our devices.
Thanks to the hardwork of some devs, whom they deserve a hat off for keeping us updated with their latest releses of new tweaks and updates. I remember once I stumbled upon a jailbreak tweak called XBMC - renamed to KODI recently - I didn't know how to use it then, so I kind of ignore it.
Well, I must admit that Kodi is one of the must have jailbreak tweaks that you will ever enjoy on your device. thanks to KODI , you can stream channels with ease and less interceptions ( depending on your connections ), and you can watch and download movies, TV shows and much more.
What I like about KODI beside being an open source app and an ultimate one, is the ability to install add-ons or extensions. The utility of these add-ons is limitless!
Step 1: Open Cydia
Step 2: Tap the Sources Tab
Step 3: Tap Edit
Step 4: Tap Add
Step 5: Paste the following repo address:
Step 6: Tap Add Source
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