I know It's quite a hard topic to discuss the existing of such services, but I would like to clarify things for our dear readers so they can know how to deal with locked devices. Please bear in mind that we do not encourage you to buy stolen or lost devices that were locked to iCloud ID but the purpose of this blog post is to provide you with the necessary information in case you need a legit iCloud removal service.
I don't know if you are aware that the iCloud unlock is actually being processed by Apple staff ? Yes, at the moment of writing this article, there is no legal way to remove iCloud from whatever device is locked to it by a third party beside authorized staff from Apple. Which devices can be unlocked and which are not ?
When you enable Find My iPhone on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7/8/9, your Apple ID is securely stored on Apple’s activation servers and linked to your device. From that point on, your password will be required before anyone can turn off Find My iPhone on your device, erase your device, or reactivate and use your device. Activation Lock is enabled automatically when you turn on Find My iPhone in iOS 7/8/9, or when you upgrade to iOS 7/iOS 8 from a previous version of iOS that has Find My iPhone already turned on. So when you restore your device and can't get your Apple ID or Password your device will certainly be worthless as you will be stuck on the activation lock, in this case your device is CLEAN ; in other words has not been reported lost or erased. You can use the following services to check whether you have a clean or lost device.
Once you checked your iPhone's IMEI and it appears to be in a Clean Mode, there are some trusted guys that do the removal service. But of course not free of charge. Yes there is No Free iCloud removal service nor a cheap one, and if you happen to find one asking for 30$ or even 50$ for this service then its definitely a scam.
In a previous blog post, we have introduced one of the legit services that we personally tested ; Hackiphone.me but unfortunately they are out of sluts and the price is not worth it for iPhone 6S and below.
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