According to a test proposed to ask 18 questions in multiple languages to the three major personal assistants; Google Now,Cortana and Siri. Apple's personal assistant Siri has shown great performances and stand up against his rivals.

Siri gets a score of 14.5 in English, against 12.5 and 11.5 for Cortana and Google Now. Quite the same results in favor of Apple 's personal assistant in Italian against a remarkable drop of performance for both Cortona with 6 and Google Now with 8.5.

If you are curious about the basic rules of this test ; the personal assistant receives the score of 1 for each correct and direct answer. And when an answer is given, but the use of research results is necessary, the score given is 0.5. In contrast, when the answer is not found, the given score is 0. 

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