If for some reason, you decided to start recording your phone calls and you need a real recording app? then you need to grab a copy of AudioRecorder 2 tweak.

Audio  Recorder 2 Tweak
AudioRecorder 2 comes along with numerous features and options, that will make it a worthy download and it is way more effective than the in-built stock Voice Recorder app on iOS. AudioRecorder 2 you can record audio for phone calls, Facetime audio calls and videos, and even calls made on 3rd party apps such as Skype, Tango,Viber,LINE etc.

Besides that you will also have the ability to record any audio coming out of your device, something that is not attainable with the stock recording app. The absolute best aspect of this tweak is that it keeps all the recordings safe on your device. A sync feature can be turned on allowing you to instantly deliver new records to your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts.Don't have an account ? don't worry the tweak lets you send recording files via iMessage, email or other supported apps on the device.

The tweak is stuffed with countless convenient features from which my number one is the capability for users to assign any contact to be automatically recorded. Once you do that any call originating from that specific contact will be recorded and saved instantly.

An additional beneficial feature of AudioRecorder 2 is that it can play a recorded message for your caller to permit them know you are recording the call. You can turn this option on or off based on your personal preference.

In order to get AudioRecorder 2 tweak, you will need a jailbroken device and simply add the following repository http://limneos.net/repo to your Cydia sources. The tweak costs $3.99 for new users meanwhile it is a free of charge update for previous owner.

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